Mahapavarana – Day of Resolutions
A beautiful and pure heart, analogous to a precious gem that others can appreciate through one’s speech and action, is one of the many outstanding characteristics of a sage that develops as a direct result of countless lifetimes accumulating and cultivating virtuous deeds. A sage is a pundit who consistently thinks wholesome thoughts, speaks wise words, and performs good deeds, thus earning adulation and respect of everyone.
Special Behind-the-Scenes Feature of the Sculpting Model of Luang Pu
Interview of Venerable Prajuab, Luang Phaw's assistance in Sculpting of the Preliminary Model of Phramongkolthepmuni (Sodh Candasaro)'s the Golden Statue.
Wat Phra Dhammakaya Silicon Valley Arranged the Ceremony of Offering Medicine
The Photo Collection of the Dhammachai Dhutanga of Inviting the Gold Statue of Luang Pu on April 4th, 2012
The photo collection of the Dhammachai Dhutanga for inviting the gold statue of Luang Pu on April 4th, 2012.
Earth Day
Earth Day 22nd April 2016 Cleanse the Mind, Cleanse the World
The 5th Pubbapeta Bali Ceremony
The 5th Pubbapeta Bali Ceremony at Dhammakaya Temple
Ceremony to Place Marker Spheres to Establish the Sacred Boundary of Wat Phra Dhammakaya Bavaria
It started on May 23rd, 2015 through the chanting of the Buddha’s Mantra and Tijeevaravippavasa led by Most Venerable Phraprommethi, the committee member and spokesperson of the Supreme Sangha Council, and the monastic assembly in order to purify the temple and the land.
Casting the 6th golden statue of Luang Pu
The good chance is coming soon. We would like to invite all of Luang Pu's disciples to cast the 6th golden statue of Luang Pu together at Dhammakaya Temple in Pathum Thani province, Thailand. Who was Luang Pu, the Most Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni (Sodh Chandasaro)? How important was he? Why do we cast him in gold? They will be FAQ and our answers will be the announcements of Luang Pu's mightiness. Let's come to be one of the historic people. Don't miss this big merit!